Friday, July 30, 2010

Bivariate choropleth map

A bivariate choropleth map uses color to show its data. This is a map of the U.S. showing each president votes in each state.

Unstandardized choropleth maps

An unstandardized choropleth map has no certain type of ranking there is no order. This unstandardized choropleth is showing no order of the state distribution.

Standardized choropleth maps

Information in choropleth maps are already standardized. This show comparison of distribution in certain area's. This is a standardized choropleth map of the U.S. showing the population per square mile by state.

Bilateral Graph

A Bilateral Graph show increases and decreases on one side of the zero line. Bilateral Graphs use datat to detect negative and positve values. This is a Bilateral graph of millions per year.

Unclassed choropleth map

Unclassed choropleth maps use shading to show data. The technique is not up for using yet because it does not give direct information.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Classed choropleth maps

A classed choropleth map is a type of choropleth map that uses smaller variablesto show data.
This is a choropleth map of the U.S.

Index value plot

This is an index value plot. An index value plot show the discrepencies between data information. This index value plot shows the differnt market value each year.