Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Box Plot

A box plot is a diagram of data that shows the four quartiles of the data set. Is also shows the lowest vaule, the median, and the highest value. In this box plot, the median snow depth is seventy-five.

Thematic Map

A Thematic map is a map showing information related to a certain theme over a specific area. These themes could include weather, plant types, population, etc. This thematic map shows Hawaii's land reserves.

Scatter Plot

A Scatter plot is diagram showing two variables of a set of data. A scatter plot is useful to see if the variables have a relationship. In this scatter plot, there is no relationship between the two variables.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Univariate Choropleth Map

A Univariate Choropleth Map shows one data set represented on a map using shading or different colors. This map shows spending per student in North Carolina between 1994 and 1995.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

A Nominal Area Choropleth Map is a map that shows nominal data, or data that is in unranked categories, and includes different shading and colors. This map shows the different vegetation areas of the world.

Statistical Map

A satatistical map shows data over a geographic area. Examples of statistical data would be percentages, rates, and other measurements. This map shows unemployment rates by county in Oklahoma with the darker shading representing the highest unemployment.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mental Map

Mental maps are drawn by people based on their own knowledge. They show key places that one thinks is important. This particular map shows a homeless person's view of Amsterdam.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are used to send a message. How you percieve a propaganda map can emotionally make you feel a certain way about what it is trying to portray. A propaganda map is a powerful tool that tries to get people to take action.

The map above is showing that if Germany does not hurry up and take over Czechoslovakia, it will be able to launch planes and perhaps bomb Germany.

Flow Map

This is a Flow Map of how to make a peanut butter sandwhich. A Flow Map shows a step by step process and shows a relationship from the previous step to the next step. The map shown above is a very detailed map that is easy to follow.